Autism Acceptance Month 2024
April marks Autism Acceptance Month, a time when we celebrate progress beyond mere awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder, focusing instead on fostering acceptance and understanding.
With Autism being the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States, affecting approximately 1 in 36 children, our commitment at The Arc Westchester is evident in our mission and values. Throughout this month and beyond, we embrace people with their unique talents, ambitions, and dreams, ensuring they lead fulfilling lives. We are dedicated to finding innovative ways to support individuals with autism, enabling them to succeed and thrive.
Fostering Independence • Ensuring Safety
Cultivating Relationships • Promoting Happiness • Supporting Good Health
School Spirit Week at The Children’s School
In celebration of Autism Acceptance Month, our Children’s School for Early development will hold a school-side spirit week event the week of April 15. Click HERE for flyer.
The PTA has also conducted a school fundraisier selling beaded bracelets that read the words “Inclusive” and “Inspiring.”
Project Search Autism Enhancement Program
We are so proud of members of our Project SEARCH Autism Enhancement program who graduated from their internship training! Thanks to New York-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health in White Plains and NEXTforAutism, these recent graduates have learned the skills to build careers in the community and live a fulfilled life. A new group of people are taking part in the 10-month internship and are developing the skills to obtain a job after their graduation in 2024.

Your Child Has Just Been Diagnosed With Autism…Now What?
The Arc Westchester’s Director of the Children’s School for Early Development, Ann-Marie Sabrsula provides a number of first steps and strategies that families can take when they receive a diagnosis of autism. The article can be found in this issue of Autism Spectrum News.
See how others celebrate April.