Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Oct 5 2021

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October has been designated as Down Syndrome Awareness Month. This month is a time to celebrate and promote awareness to the talents and abilities of people with this chromosomal condition.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one in every 700 babies in the United States is born with Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is named for the English physician John Langdon Down, who characterized the condition, but did not have it.

The Arc Westchester is proud to support individuals with Down syndrome many of whom are living independently in our communities and contributing to the workforce in local businesses.

There are several ways you can observe Down Syndrome Awareness Month:

The Down Syndrome Information Alliance suggests celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month by carrying out 31 random acts of kindness — one for each day in October. Join A Walk!

The Down Syndrome Information Alliance suggests celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month by carrying out 31 random acts of kindness — one for each day in October.

Give your time with an advocacy group and take part in community activities. Learn more

Consider making a gift in memory or honor of someone in your life celebrating this awareness month. Click Here Today!

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