Our Voice Matters
Members of The Arc Westchester Core Advocacy Group recently participated in a Teams Webinar Presentation entitled “Our Voice Matters” with students and faculty from Manhattanville College in Purchase.
Craig Seville Donnelly, M.S., Director of the Sr. Mary T. Clark Center, invited our advocates to participate in the college’s weekly Social Justice Speaker Series.
Under the mentoring of Teresa Lombardi, advocates Diana, Teressa, Jenna and Jennifer shared an interactive power point presentation that focused on advocacy, inclusion, kindness, gratitude, and courage. They read several books about speaking up for yourself, working together and showing respect for each other in our daily lives. Their presentation educated the viewers about inclusion and the beliefs of President John F. Kennedy and his advocacy efforts on behalf of people with disabilities, including being a champion of Special Olympics.
A highlight of the presentation was when the group played a recorded segment of CBS Sunday Morning Show “Kindness 101 – Gratitude.” Hosted by journalist, Steve Hartman, his family shared the importance of giving thanks. It was a moving story of gratitude, and everyone went away feeling inspired from the heartfelt message.

We are grateful to Craig and the volunteer staff from Manhattanville College who have embraced our programs for many years and welcome ongoing participation from our advocates. Manhattanville College has been home to our Summer Enrichment Program, a summer college experience for individuals participating in our recreation programs.
The collaboration with the college aligns with our mission to build independence, achieve personal goals, and strengthen community participation. Teresa Lombardi, Choices Neighborhood Activity Specialist said “we are grateful and proud of our advocates for this inspiring presentation and it is an honor to be part of their team .”
To learn more about this advocacy group and how to join, email info@arcwestchester.org.