Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week 2021
Messages of Appreciation
Flip through the pages in the booklet below and read the heartfelt messages from families, board members, and staff who wished to share their appreciation of the heroic work of all Direct Support Professionals at The Arc Westchester.
Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week is September 12-18, 2021. DSPs everywhere deserve our full support and appreciation for the amazing work they do every day of the year. We are especially grateful to all the Direct Support Professionals at The Arc Westchester as they continue providing supports to people with disabilities so they can live full and happy lives. From learning about a person’s interests and dreams to promoting independence, The Arc Westchester’s Direct Support Workforce are a dedicated group of hardworking individuals who play an important role in strengthening our entire communities by fulfilling our mission and values.
As we celebrate this special week, we are reminded that their talents demonstrate a level of care and commitment that is vital to the work that we do in helping those with developmental disabilities live meaningful lives as fully contributing members of their communities. Every day, more than 500 DSPs share their love and dedication with more than 2,000 individuals with developmental disabilities. Thank you to all our DSPs for everything that you do! You are truly the heart of this organization and we could not continue moving through this challenging time without you.
AT HOME: Safe, Happy and Healthy!
Highlights of our DSPs during COVID-19