If you are eligible for OPWDD Services and have Medicare and Medicaid, Partners Health Plan may be for you. The FIDA-IDD program, offers more opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to be involved in care planning and to direct their own service plan with a care plan team. The care plan team will help you address all of your habilitation, medical, behavioral, long-term supports and services, and social needs.
Partners Health Plan (PHP) is a not-for-profit managed care organization serving individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (IDD) and those who care for them. PHP has the expertise to develop and coordinate a personalized Life Plan that ensures participants receive the essential medical, behavioral, dental, habilitation, and other services and supports needed to support each participant’s health, safety, personal preferences, and valued outcomes. PHP understands the needs of their participants and they work closely with local providers and community groups to meet those needs Instead of the long-standing practice of providing “one size fits all” services to people with IDD, PHP is a mission-driven, person-centered organization dedicated to assisting individuals in pursuing the lives they choose.
Partners Health Plan (PHP) is a FIDA-IDD established by five downstate NYSARC Chapters (AHRC NYC, AHRC Nassau, ARC of Rockland, AHRC Suffolk, and Arc of Westchester). To learn more about PHP and upcoming educational sessions, please click here.