Year-End Giving 2019

Our Family is Stronger Because of You!
As our 70th anniversary draws to a close, we are reminded of the power of families. The Arc Westchester was founded “By families. For families. For life.”
The Arc Westchester family is proud to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families throughout the arc of their lives. When we collaborate with families like yours, we make a greater impact, and are able to uphold our legacy of excellence and innovation.
The Walkers are just one example of the many families that have added strength, texture and love to the fabric of The Arc Westchester. John and Susan Walker have been part of The Arc Westchester family since 1981 when their daughter Elizabeth (Liz) graduated from high school and transitioned into our pre-vocational program. Liz, who passed away earlier this year, was a bright light in our day program, building her skills and advancing to employment.

“Our family will sorely miss Liz this holiday season, but we all take comfort in knowing that her life was happy and full because she had ‘two’ loving families. Our relationship began with The Arc Westchester for the love of my sister, but it will continue for the love of The Arc Westchester and the life-changing support they provide to individuals like Liz, and families like mine.”
__Liz’s brother, David

As 2019 draws to a close, we encourage you to think about how you can help advance the innovative programs and services we provide to the individuals we support throughout Westchester County. Your year-end gift celebrates Liz, the Walkers, and the 2,000 individuals who are living full, meaningful lives every day as members of The Arc Westchester family.
From our family to yours, best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year.