One Small Ad Began a World of Change
In the summer of 1948 Ann Greenberg placed an ad in the New York Post. It read, “To mothers of retarded children, ages, 4-8: Are you interested in helping to start a day nursery for your children?”
The ad brought 10 people to a friend’s Bronx home. They came from all over the city—too far away for them to share a nursery, but they decided to continue to meet. Twenty people came to the next meeting.
In December, 1948, the group decided to hold a large meeting in January. Ann sent out 50 letters inviting people to meet in a hospital auditorium, facilitated by a physician friend. Three hundred people came, filling the room, and spilling out into the hallways.
On January 31, 1949, The Association for the Help of Retarded Children was incorporated.
Today, The Arc New York supports more than 60,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in living full and valued lives. The organization has grown nationwide, and changed the lives of millions.
In 2019, celebrations will continue for the 70th Anniversary of The Arc New York!
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